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Searched: Auto Repair - Schillings Towing & Auto Repair

AAA Approved Auto Repair Shop Reviews Approved


Schillings Towing & Auto Repair

1020 6th Ave
St Albans, WV

Tel: (304) 410-2302
Hours: M-F: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Sat: Closed Sun: Closed


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1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : These guys saved my behind today. I wouldn t have made it home either without them. If you re in a bind, they will go above and beyond to help. Reccommend this company!

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : Thank you for taking care of our towing needs! Great family owned company!

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : Driver was exceptional. He went above and beyond to get my Chevy Blazer started. 100% recommend!

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : Dieses Unternehmen hat bei einem Anruf Sachschaden verursacht und weigert sich, sich ordnungsgem???? darum zu k??mmern. Dar??ber hinaus hatte der Fahrer eine schreckliche Einstellung und war ??u??erst hasserf??llt gegen??ber meinem 81-j??hrigen Vater. Er weigerte sich, die Verantwortung zu ??bernehmen, obwohl es ein Video gibt, das zeigt, wie er den Schaden verursacht hat. Dar??ber hinaus weigerte sich der Fahrer, auf Nachfrage Angaben zur Versicherung zu machen. Ich w??rde dieses Unternehmen auf keinen Fall weiterempfehlen.

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : Just broke down on the clock. They were there within 20 minutes and had me hooked up. Very easy to follow process and good conversation. Reasonable rates as well. Will call again if something happens in the St Albans area.

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : Professional, quick, and affordable towing. Really glad I gave them a call.

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment : Jeff was an awesome driver and very polite and all around was a great experience..if you need anything vehicle emergency related give these guys a call cause you wont be disappointed...10 stars.

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment :

1 Reviews

St Albans, WV

Comment :

1 Reviews

Comment : They towed my 1999 Thomas was very helpful and got my car back to my yard after it???s in the ignition have been smashed and it was a immobilized . Thanks Thomas thank you guys.

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