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Searched: Auto Repair - Coastal Transmission

AAA Approved Auto Repair Shop Reviews Approved


Coastal Transmission

2741 Boundary St
Beaufort, SC 29906

Tel: (843) 524-9433
Hours: M-F: 08:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Sat: Closed Sun: Closed


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1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : I had my truck towed to them for a transmission issue. It turned out to be a very small issue of a clip. I was very happy and completely satisfied.

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : Owner was very rude, front desk don't even acknowledge the customer. The work was poor, had to take the car back for the same issue.

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : I don???t usually leave reviews online, but for this place one is definitely needed! My transmission went out on 2/27/24, I called Coastal about doing their ???free??? tow service. From the start the phone calls were very rude, but I decided to brush it off and just assume the best that they knew what they were doing with transmission work. Fast forward to 3/4/24, they called me to inform me that my truck wouldn???t start and that they had run a diagnostic(without my permission) and it was coming back as the security system. So, I let them know that when it happens(hasn???t happened in over 2 years???keep reading to find out it WAS NOT the security system) to just let it sit 10 minutes and try to crank again. This was close to closing time so I figured I???d call back in a few days and see the progress they made since I hadn???t heard a word from them. I called on 3/15/24 and he(the owner) still tells me the same thing about how it???s the security system. At this point I decided to consult another mechanic about just getting my truck out of their lot because every interaction since day one had been rude. The mechanic I consulted told me to get my truck back so he could fix it. Today(3/18/24) is when all hell broke loose. I called to see what was going on, because once again I hadn???t heard a thing from them. I got on the phone with the owner and as soon as he heard what vehicle I was calling about he immediately catches a rude attitude. I told him I just wanted my truck back and to please just bring it back to me. He tried to tell me it would be almost $400 before he would let me take it off the lot. Luckily I only live about 45 minutes away so I drove down for an in person conversation. When I walked in, he(owner) informed his receptionist to call the police if I get belligerent(I have had no attitude with him this whole time as he talked down on me and to me over every little thing). I still chose to not engage him and asked the lady what my bill would be to get it off the lot. She tells me $80 for the diagnostic, as she does he cuts her off and says I owe him for that ???free??? tow down to Beaufort. Should I also mention in all this time they never fixed my transmission?! I informed him I hadn???t given permission to do anything on my truck except to tow it and fix my transmission. During all of this he???s throwing around cuss words and constantly threatening to call the cops on me while I maintained a calm composure. By the end of it, he ???agreed??? to only ???allow??? me to pay the $150 for a tow(a tow where they pretty much wasted my time and money because I had to pay someone else to drive down to Beaufort and get it back for me) under the condition and I quote ???I never have to see your face again???, so I agreed and let him know I???d be doing everything I can to detour people from the horrible experience I had, and also if I find out they had torn my truck up they???d be footing that bill too. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY WITH THESE PEOPLE!

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : My transmission shifts good. They know there stuff.

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : Mike is very rude and I don't see how he's been in business this long. I will never tell anyone to do business with these guys. TAKE AWAY!

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : Very professional and courteous. Despite being super busy they got us done in a week.

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : We???re from out of state and needed a transmission rebuild quickly. Coastal picked up our van the next day, completed the work in 2 more days and charged us exactly what they quoted over the phone. I offered to Uber to pick up the van but instead, the owner Mike, personally delivered our van that night, knowing we were in a time constraint. Hats off to the Coastal team??? Mike, Nicole, the tow driver, mechanics etc who all came together to salvage the vacation of perfect strangers! Only regret that I could not personally meet and thank them, so Thank you Coastal team! John & Eva

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : Excellent customer service.

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : If you???re active duty military do I repeat do not deal with these people their customer service is terrible! The chick on the phone had a terrible attitude??? not my fault or anyone else that your job sucks!

1 Reviews

Beaufort, SC

Comment : I have had 2 vehicles that needed repairs good quality service and timely repairs!

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